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    Universal Access to Computer Disks  
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AccessDisk Features List:

  • Read HDD, CDROM, Floppy disks
  • Write HDD, Floppy disks
  • Read and write support of large HDD disks - any recognized by Windows
  • Show Partitions list and every partition info of each HDD
  • Copy any image file or read-supported disk to any image file or Write-supported disk with additional options
    • Source read start position
    • Source read end position either sectors count
    • Destination write start position
  • Move data on any supported disks or image files. Additional options are the same for Copy plus
    • Automatically choose read/write direction to not overwrite original data
  • Compare any two disks or image files. Additional options are the same for Copy plus
    • Select compare direction to quickly find mismatches on large disks or image files
  • Show hexadecimal dump of disks
  • Show partition table and allow to edit it
  • Save boot sectors of HDDs and ability to restore them in case of accidents
  • Application keeps detailed log file of operations and allows to track hard cases
  • Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000/XP is supported

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Features Comparison

AccessDisk unique features:

  • Copy any image file or read-supported disk to any image file or Write-supported disk with additional options
    • Source start read position
    • Source end read position either Sectors count
    • Destination Write position
  • Move data on any supported disks or image files. Additional options are the same for Copy plus
    • Automatically choose read/write direction to not overwrite original data
  • Compare any two disks or image files. Additional options are the same for Copy plus
    • Select compare direction to quickly find mismatches on large disks or image files
  • Show partition table and allow to edit it without leaving Windows; Review changes immediately after that within AccessDisk
  • Save boot sectors of HDDs and restore them when needed.

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AccessDisk special features:

We mark feature as rare if it appears only in one other product

  • View HDD Identify data.
  • View Partition start, end, length, etc. detailed data
  • Count HDDs by their presence on IDE bus, not regarded is HDD recognized by Windows Operating System or not.

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AccessDisk Features Compared with other system utilities
(Soon coming more)

  AccessDisk 1.02 PQ Partition Magic `dd'(diskdup) of UNIX fdisk
Copy partition + + + -
Move Partition + + - -
Copy HDD to image file and back + - + -
Copy Cdrom to image file + - + -
View partitions chain + + - +1
View partition table + + - -
Direct edit of partition table + - - +
Compare image and disk data + - - -
Backup boot sectors data and info needed to restore + - - -
Operating Systems Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT4/2000/XP Windows 98/Me, Windows NT4/2000/XP Unices2 DOS only

1 fdisk allows to see partition table some fields, but it shows them at difficult to view manner.
2 `dd' of UNIX might do all this is wrote here; versions of dd under Windows can't read and write disk devices and partitions, files.

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